Have you marked all sections as complete?
Please ensure after you have viewed each Lesson including this one you mark it as complete using the button at the top right, on a mobile phone the button is at the bottom of the page.
If you cannot see the “Mark as Complete” button on a PC please narrow the browser page. so it goes into mobile mode the button should now display correctly at the bottom of the page.
After Completing the Final Assessment
The next section is your Final Assessment.
After you have completed the final assessment quiz and have passed,
Please click on the X to close the section, on a mobile phone please use the back arrow on the blue bar at the top of the screen.
You will now be given the choice to “Retake the Course” or “Complete the Course”.
If you select “Complete the Course” the system takes you to a screen to “View the Certificate” or “Retake the Course”.
If you select “View the Certificate”, you will not be able to view the course again, but a certificate will be created.
Please give the system time to create the certificate, keep the page open as it takes some time, up to 2 minutes.
Download the certificate by hovering over the top right icon, slide left to select PDF or Jpeg, it will now download.
After downloading the certificate please send a copy to Grev Cooke coachingadmin@bab.org.uk so your Coaching Records are updated in the main BAB Coaching system.